ALBURY - 02 6021 8011


540 Young St
Albury, NSW 2640

Digital Smile Designing

This process involves designing smile by analyzing a person’s facial and dental proportions. A predetermined series of high-quality facial and dental photographs help understand the relationship between teeth, gums, lips and smile with the facial features.

Using the clinical photographs measurements are made between the facial features and an ideal size of the front teeth is calculated. The shape of the teeth are then designed to match the age and gender of the patient.

Mild corrections of rotated or abnormally positioned teeth can be performed with smile designing. However, for severely mal-aligned teeth it is best to undergo Orthodontic treatment prior to further enhancing the smile.

The Digital Smile Design is materialised using 3D printing technology. A model of the computer designed smile is printed and used as a template to transfer the planned changes onto the teeth. Shape of teeth may then be altered using either composite resin restorations or ceramic restorations such as veneers or crowns.

Smile Designing